Here is a comprehensive compilation of many R commands that most of the scientists can find useful for analyzing research data.
- Check working directory:
- Change working directory:
- Show help about a command (quotes are important):
help("command") ?"command"
- Show the objects and variables of the working space:
- Remove an object from the working space:
rm(x) rm(list=ls()) # Removes all the objects
- Save the working space:
save.image() # in the file .RData at the working directory save(object list,file="myfile.RData") # saves the object list into the chosen file
- Reload a working space:
- Quit R:
Vectors and matrices
- Create a vector:
x=c(1,2,4,8,16) y=c(1:10) z=c(rnorm(n))
- Operations with vectors:
x=c(x)+n # adds 'n' to each element z=c(x,y) # combines 2 vectors creating a linear one z=cbind(x,y) # combines 2 vectors creating a 2 columns matrix z=rbind(x,y) # combines 2 vectors creating a 2 rows matrix replace(x,x==0,NA) # Replaces zeros by NA
- Operations with matrices:
mat[4,2] # shows the 4th row and the 2ng column mat[3,] # shows the 3rd row mat[,2] # shows the 2nd column mat[,-3] # deletes the 3rd column mat[-2,] # deletes the 2nd row mat[1:3,3:5] # show the rows 1 to 3 and the columns 3 a 5
- Create a frame from a vector list (each vector will be a frame column):,x2,x3 …)
- Create a frame from a matrix:
- Check if an object is a frame:
- Convert a frame into a matrix:
- Read a tab-separated data file with the names of its columns on the 1st row and save it into a frame:<-read.table("ruta fichero",header=T,sep="t")
- Show the names of frame columns:
- Show the names of frame rows:
- Show the number of frame rows:
- Show the first frame rows:
head(, n=10) # 10 first rows
- Create vectors with the name of each column in the frame (and its data)
attach( detach( # remove the vectors
- Add a row to frame: <- rbind(,data.frame(colA=1,colB="abc",colC=rnorm(1)))
- Add a column to a frame:$colC <-$colA + 5 *$colB
- Filter a frame to obtain a subset of data and save it in a new frame:
subset.frame<-subset(,colA>=5 & ! | ColC='V') subset.frame<-subset(,complete.cases( # Obtain only the rows with data in all the columns
- Order a frame:[order($colB),] # Order a frame with the values of the column B[rev(order($colB)),] # Reverse order
- Calculate several statistical parameters from a dataset:
max(x) min(x) mean(x) median(x) sum(x) var(x) # variance covariance matrix sd(x) # standard deviation mad(x) # median absolute deviation fivenum(x) # Tukey fivenumbers min, lowerhinge, median, upper hinge, max Table(x) # Matriz de frecuencias scale(x,scale=T) # centers around the mean and scales by the sd cumsum(x) # cumulative sum cumprod(x) cummax(x) cummin(x) rev(x) # reverse the order of values in x
- Correlation matrix:
cor(x,y,use="pair") # correlation matrix for pairwise complete data, use="complete" for complete cases
- Correlation test:
- ANOVA (Analysis of variance):
aov.1 <- aov(colA~colB, # one way analysis of variance (colA contains values and colB contains classes) aov.2 = aov(colA~colB*colC, #do a two way analysis of variance summary(aov.1) #show the summary table print(model.tables(aov.1,"means"),digits=3) #report the means and the number of values/class boxplot(colA~colB, #graphical summary appears in graphics window
- Lineal regresion:
fit<-lm(colB~colA, #basic linear model where x and y can be matrices (see plot.lm for plotting options) summary(fit) plot($colA,$colB) abline(fit)
- Student’s t-Test:
t.test(x,g) pairwise.t.test(x,g) power.anova.test(groups = NULL, n = NULL, between.var = NULL, within.var = NULL, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL) power.t.test(n = NULL, delta = NULL, sd = 1, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL, type = c("two.sample", "one.sample", "paired"), alternative = c("two.sided", "one.sided"),strict = FALSE)
- List of available colors in R:
- Graphic parameters:
- Simple graph::
plot(x,y,type="p") # types: “p”: points, “l”: line, … plot(x,y,col="red",lwd=2,type="l")
- Draw a point:
points(2,5,pch=16,col="blue",cex=3) # Draws the point (2,5) in blue and with a relative size of 3
- Label the point:
text(2,5,label="Point label",pos=4,offset=-0.5,font=3,cex=0.75)
- Scatter plot:
plot($colA,$colB, main="Column A vs. Column B", xlab="Column A", ylab="Column B", cex.main=2, cex.lab=1.5, pch=1)
- Graph overlay:
lines(1-spec, sens, type='b', col=39, pch=7, lty=2) plot($colA,$colB, main="Column A vs. Column C", cex.main=2, cex.lab=1.5, pch=1, add=TRUE)
- Small graph into a bigger one:
year <- 1900:2000 dollars <- (year-1899)^2 plot.within.aplot <- function() { par(pin=c(1.5,1.5)) ### set the plot region size in inches par(mai=c(2.8,1.2,1,2.6)) ### set the 4 margin sizes in inches par(ps=6) ### set the font size to 6 point plot(year,dollars,col="blue",type="l",xlab="",ylab="") ### no axis labels par(new=T) ### the next plot will plot over the previous one par(ps=12) ### set the font size to 12 point par(pin=c(4.14,3.57)) ### set the plot region size back to the default par(mai=c(.956,.769,.769,.394)) ### set the margins back to the default plot(year,dollars,col="green",type="l") ### plot } plot.within.aplot()
Data output
- Graph window options:
X11() # open a new window in Linux windows() # open a new windows in Windows dev.list() # show the open windows dev.cur() # show the working window # close the working window dev.set(3) # select the window 3 as working one # close the window 3 # close all the windows
- Open a PDF file to output data:
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